A pure Perl keyserver!
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keyserver | ||
keyserver.conf.example | ||
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todo | ||
upload_key.pl |
jake's keyserver
This program pokes gpg when it receives a key. Then it does stuff to the output gpg produces and stores it in a postgres database.
- 'Secret' upload path.
- Disable upload for secret, normal path, or both. For when you don't want people to upload keys.
- Relevant Mojo/Mojolicious modules
- Postgresql server
- GnuPG
Install on your distro
Maybe it is packaged by your distro maintainers?
- Debian
apt install libmojolicious-perl libmojo-pg-perl
(Not sure if you'll need to cpan Mojo::File and/or Mojo::Util)
Install via cpan (or cpan-minus, considered way better by most)
cpanm Mojolicious Mojo::Pg Mojo::File Mojo::Util
Installing via cpan(m) will work because the Mojolicious devs are competent.
To use
Create the config file
cp keyserver.conf.example keyserver.conf
Note that hypnotoad/morbo looks for the config file in the same directory as it was called from. I have no idea how to change this as there isn't a --config-file option one can use with hypnotoad or morbo.
Create relevant details for the database.
An example that you may follow:
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database jjakkekeyserverdb;
postgres=# create user jjakkekeyserver with encrypted password 'password';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database jjakkekeyserverdb to jjakkekeyserver;
postgres=# \c jjakkekeyserverdb;
postgres=# grant all privileges on schema public to jjakkekeyserver;
Start Program
hypnotoad -f keyserver; # starts in foreground
It's a good idea to proxy this program behind another dedicated program that listens on relevant ports: no TLS, 11371 and 80; with TLS, 11372 and 443.
GnuPG examples
gpg --keyserver hkp://hostname --send-keys <keyid>
gpg --keyserver hkp://hostname --search-keys <search string>
gpg --keyserver hkp://hostname --recv-keys <keyid>