added checkmating. also touched every function to support this, and added a few more too

This commit is contained in:
jake 2023-02-19 21:06:13 -05:00
parent 1a5368956f
commit 5163f85f12
2 changed files with 281 additions and 82 deletions

View file

@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ var board_cell = 128
const BOARD_WIDTH = 7 # starting at 0..7
const BOARD_HEIGHT = 7
var history = []
var team1_capture = new_board()
var team2_capture = new_board()
var game_over = false
var movement_layer = false
var movement_layer_piece = null
@ -34,66 +38,117 @@ func _ready():
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'teal', 1, 6, team1)
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'orange', 2, 4, team2)
#team2_king = spawn_piece('king', 'red', 4, 0, team2)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'teal', 5, 1, team1)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'red', 7, 0, team2)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'red', 0, 0, team2)
#team1_king = spawn_piece('king', 'orange', 4, 7, team1)
#spawn_piece('bishop', 'orange', 3, 7, team1)
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'orange', 5, 6, team1)
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'orange', 3, 6, team1)
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'orange', 4, 6, team1)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'teal', 7, 3, team2)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'orange', 0, 0, team2)
#spawn_piece('rook', 'orange', 7, 0, team2)
#team1_king = spawn_piece('rook', 'teal', 5, 3, team1)
#spawn_piece('pawn', 'blue', 6, 0, team1)
var captures = update_capture_tables(board_to_text_board(board))
team1_capture = captures[0]
team2_capture = captures[1]
# horrifying discovery: this occurs after the signal capturing functions
func _process(_delta):
safely_handle_movement = false
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("mouse2"):
if click_spot() == Vector2(0,0):
if click_spot() == Vector2(1,0):
if click_spot() == Vector2(2,0):
func new_turn():
var text_board = board_to_text_board(board)
var captures = update_capture_tables(text_board)
team1_capture = captures[0]
team2_capture = captures[1]
is_king_team1_checked(text_board, true, team2_capture)
is_king_team2_checked(text_board, true, team1_capture)
turn += 1
print("Turn: %s" % turn)
func update_capture_tables():
team1_capture = new_board()
team2_capture = new_board()
var pieces = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("piece")
func save_turn():
var text_board = board_to_text_board(board)
enum piece_names {
func board_to_text_board(boarde):
var text_board = new_board()
for i in 8:
for k in 8:
if boarde[i][k] is Object:
var curr_piece = boarde[i][k]
var piece_name = curr_piece.get_piece()
var piece_enum = piece_names.get(piece_name)
var team = curr_piece.get_team()
var has_moved = curr_piece.has_moved
var in_check = curr_piece.in_check
var en_passant = null
if curr_piece == en_passant_pawn: en_passant = 1
#var color = curr_piece.get_piece_color_by_region()
text_board[i][k] = [piece_enum, team, en_passant, has_moved, in_check]
text_board[i][k] = 0
return text_board
func update_capture_tables(text_board):
var t1_capture = new_board()
var t2_capture = new_board()
var pieces = get_pieces(text_board)
for e in pieces:
if ! e.killed:
var coords = position_to_board_cell(e.position)
if e.get_team() == team1:
team1_capture[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 2
else: # team2
team2_capture[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 2
var coords = e[chess_enum.pos]
if e[] == team1:
t1_capture[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 2
else: # team2
t2_capture[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 2
for e in pieces:
if ! e.killed:
var coords = position_to_board_cell(e.position)
var pattern = get_move_pattern(e, coords)
var captured = can_chess_move(pattern, coords, false)
if e.get_team() == team1:
for c in captured:
if c.size() == 3:
if c[2] == "not attacking":
team1_capture[c[0]][c[1]] = 1
else: # team2
for c in captured:
if c.size() == 3:
if c[2] == "not attacking":
team2_capture[c[0]][c[1]] = 1
var coords = e[chess_enum.pos]
var pattern = get_move_pattern(e, coords)
var captured = can_chess_move(pattern, coords, text_board, tile_setting.hide_tiles_and_cover_allies)
if e[] == team1:
for c in captured:
if c.size() == 3:
if c[2] == "not attacking":
t1_capture[c[0]][c[1]] = 1
else: # team2
for c in captured:
if c.size() == 3:
if c[2] == "not attacking":
t2_capture[c[0]][c[1]] = 1
#for i in 8:
# for k in 8:
# if team2_capture[i][k] == 1:
# if t1_capture[i][k] == 1:
# var move_tile = movetile_scene.instance()
# add_child(move_tile)
# move_tile.set_color("red")
# move_tile.position = in_square(Vector2(i * board_cell, k * board_cell))
return [t1_capture, t2_capture]
func check_for_promotion():
var pieces = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("piece")
@ -105,21 +160,117 @@ func check_for_promotion():
# TODO: player option
e.set_piece("queen", e.get_piece_color_by_region())
func is_king_checked():
func is_king_team2_checked(text_board, enumerate=true, capture_table=[]):
if team2_king:
var coords_team2 = position_to_board_cell(team2_king.position)
if team1_capture[coords_team2[0]][coords_team2[1]] >= 1:
print("Aye, team2 in check.")
team2_king.in_check = true
team2_king.in_check = false
for i in 8:
for k in 8:
if text_board[i][k] and text_board[i][k][chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["king"] and text_board[i][k][] == team2:
if capture_table[i][k] >= 1:
if enumerate:
print("Aye, team2 in check.")
team2_king.in_check = true
if enumerate_checkmate(text_board, 2):
print("Game over: Checkmate! Team 1 wins!")
game_over = true
return true
team2_king.in_check = false
return false
func is_king_team1_checked(text_board, enumerate=true, capture_table=[]):
if team1_king:
var coords_team1 = position_to_board_cell(team1_king.position)
if team2_capture[coords_team1[0]][coords_team1[1]] >= 1:
print("Aye, team1 in check.")
team1_king.in_check = true
team1_king.in_check = false
for i in 8:
for k in 8:
if text_board[i][k] and text_board[i][k][chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["king"] and text_board[i][k][] == team1:
if capture_table[i][k] >= 1:
if enumerate:
print("Aye, team1 in check.")
team1_king.in_check = true
if enumerate_checkmate(text_board, 1):
print("Game over: Checkmate! Team 2 wins!")
game_over = true
return true
team1_king.in_check = false
return false
func enumerate_checkmate(text_board, which_king=1):
var checkmate = true
var legal_every_move = team_every_legal_move(text_board, which_king)
for every_move in legal_every_move:
var piece = every_move[0]
#rint("piece at (%s,%s)" % [piece[0],piece[1]])
for move in every_move[1]:
#rint("can move to: (%s,%s)" % [move[0],move[1]])
var fake_board = pretend_text_board_movement(text_board.duplicate(true), piece, move)
var fake_captures = update_capture_tables(fake_board)
if which_king == 1:
if is_king_team1_checked(fake_board, false, fake_captures[1]):
#rint("King in check on this fake board!!")
#rint("King ***NOT*** in check! Not a ckeckmate!")
checkmate = false
else: # team2
if is_king_team2_checked(fake_board, false, fake_captures[0]):
#rint("King in check on this fake board!!")
#rint("King ***NOT*** in check! Not a ckeckmate!")
checkmate = false
return checkmate
func get_pieces(text_board):
var pieces = []
var deepcopy = text_board.duplicate(true)
for i in 8:
for k in 8:
if deepcopy[i][k] is Array:
pieces.append(deepcopy[i][k]) # 6
return pieces
func team_every_legal_move(text_board, team):
var every_legal_move = []
for i in 8:
for k in 8:
if text_board[i][k] is Array and text_board[i][k][] == team:
var piece_name = text_board[i][k][chess_enum.piece_enum]
var coords = [i,k]
var move_pattern
#var name_of_this = match_piece_names_enums(piece_name)
move_pattern = get_move_pattern([piece_name, team2], coords)
every_legal_move.append([[i,k], can_chess_move(move_pattern, coords, text_board, tile_setting.hide_tiles_no_cover_allies)])
return every_legal_move
func match_piece_names_enums(piece_name):
if piece_names["pawn"] == piece_name:
return "pawn"
elif piece_names["rook"] == piece_name:
return "rook"
elif piece_names["knight"] == piece_name:
return "knight"
elif piece_names["bishop"] == piece_name:
return "bishop"
elif piece_names["queen"] == piece_name:
return "queen"
elif piece_names["king"] == piece_name:
return "king"
print("unknown piece: %s" % piece_name)
func pretend_text_board_movement(text_board, old_coords, new_coords):
#print("old coords: (%s , %s)" % old_coords)
#print("new coords: (%s , %s)" % [new_coords[0], new_coords[1]])
var new_text_board = text_board.duplicate(true)
new_text_board[new_coords[0]][new_coords[1]] = new_text_board[old_coords[0]][old_coords[1]]
new_text_board[old_coords[0]][old_coords[1]] = 0
return new_text_board
func remove_movement_layer():
movement_layer = false
@ -140,7 +291,7 @@ func piece_clicked(piece):
var location = click_spot()
#rint("Spot: %s " % location)
var pattern = get_move_pattern(piece, location)
if can_chess_move(pattern, location):
if can_chess_move(pattern, location, board_to_text_board(board)):
movement_layer = true
movement_layer_piece = location
@ -257,10 +408,20 @@ enum {
func get_move_pattern(piece, coords):
var piece_name = piece.get_piece()
var piece_name
var team
if piece is Object:
piece_name = piece.get_piece()
team = piece.get_team()
piece_name = match_piece_names_enums(piece[chess_enum.piece_enum])
team = piece[1]
#rint("Array: %s, %s" % [piece_name, team])
match (piece_name):
if piece.get_team() == team1:
if team == team1:
if coords[1] == 6:
return [attack_1_nw, move_2_up_pawn, attack_1_ne, en_passant_ne, en_passant_nw]
@ -283,10 +444,26 @@ func get_move_pattern(piece, coords):
return []
func can_chess_move(pattern, coords, create_tiles=true):
enum chess_enum {
piece_enum = 0,
team = 1,
en_passant = 2,
has_moved = 3,
in_check = 4,
pos = 5
enum tile_setting {
hide_tiles_and_cover_allies = 0
show_tiles = 1
hide_tiles_no_cover_allies = 2
func can_chess_move(pattern, coords, text_board, create_tiles=tile_setting.show_tiles):
var can_move = []
var curr_piece = board[coords[0]][coords[1]]
var curr_team = curr_piece.get_team()
var curr_piece = text_board[coords[0]][coords[1]]
var curr_team = curr_piece[]
for e in pattern:
match (e):
@ -304,17 +481,23 @@ func can_chess_move(pattern, coords, create_tiles=true):
test2[0].push_back("not attacking")
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [-1,1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles))
var test = make_tiles(coords, [-1,1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles)
if test:
test[0].push_back("must attack")
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [1,1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles))
var test = make_tiles(coords, [1,1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles)
if test:
test[0].push_back("must attack")
var pawn_maybe = board[coords[0]-1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe.get_piece() == "pawn" and pawn_maybe == en_passant_pawn and pawn_maybe.get_team() != curr_team:
var pawn_maybe = text_board[coords[0]-1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["pawn"] and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.en_passant] == 1 and pawn_maybe[] != curr_team:
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [-1,1], 1, true, curr_team, {"en_passant_pawn": pawn_maybe}, create_tiles))
if ! coords[0] + 1 > BOARD_WIDTH:
var pawn_maybe = board[coords[0]+1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe.get_piece() == "pawn" and pawn_maybe == en_passant_pawn and pawn_maybe.get_team() != curr_team:
var pawn_maybe = text_board[coords[0]+1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["pawn"] and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.en_passant] == 1 and pawn_maybe[] != curr_team:
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [1,1], 1, true, curr_team, {"en_passant_pawn": pawn_maybe}, create_tiles))
@ -332,17 +515,23 @@ func can_chess_move(pattern, coords, create_tiles=true):
test2[0].push_back("not attacking")
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [-1,-1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles))
var test = make_tiles(coords, [-1,-1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles)
if test:
test[0].push_back("must attack")
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [1,-1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles))
var test = make_tiles(coords, [1,-1], 1, false, curr_team, {"must_attack": true}, create_tiles)
if test:
test[0].push_back("must attack")
var pawn_maybe = board[coords[0]-1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe.get_piece() == "pawn" and pawn_maybe == en_passant_pawn and pawn_maybe.get_team() != curr_team:
var pawn_maybe = text_board[coords[0]-1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["pawn"] and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.en_passant] == 1 and pawn_maybe[] != curr_team:
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [-1,-1], 1, true, curr_team, {"en_passant_pawn": pawn_maybe}, create_tiles))
if ! coords[0] + 1 > BOARD_WIDTH:
var pawn_maybe = board[coords[0]+1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe.get_piece() == "pawn" and pawn_maybe == en_passant_pawn and pawn_maybe.get_team() != curr_team:
var pawn_maybe = text_board[coords[0]+1][coords[1]]
if pawn_maybe and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["pawn"] and pawn_maybe[chess_enum.en_passant] == 1 and pawn_maybe[] != curr_team:
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [1,-1], 1, true, curr_team, {"en_passant_pawn": pawn_maybe}, create_tiles))
@ -354,14 +543,15 @@ func can_chess_move(pattern, coords, create_tiles=true):
can_move.append_array(make_tiles(coords, [1,0], BOARD_WIDTH, false, curr_team, {}, create_tiles))
if ! curr_piece.has_moved and ! curr_piece.in_check:
if ! curr_piece[chess_enum.has_moved] and ! curr_piece[chess_enum.in_check]:
var y = coords[1]
var king_x = coords[0]
var pieces = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("piece")
#var pieces = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("piece")
var pieces = get_pieces(text_board)
for ele in pieces:
if ele.get_team() == curr_team and ele.get_piece() == "rook" and ! ele.has_moved and position_to_board_cell(ele.position)[1] == y:
if ele[] == curr_team and ele[chess_enum.piece_enum] == piece_names["rook"] and ! ele[chess_enum.has_moved] and ele[chess_enum.pos][1] == y:
var rook_x = position_to_board_cell(ele.position)[0]
var rook_x = ele[chess_enum.pos][0]
# king side
if rook_x > king_x:
var blocked = false
@ -456,15 +646,19 @@ func movetile_clicked(move_tile):
en_passant_pawn = curr_piece
en_passant_wait = 2 # gets -1 in this script later
if move_tile.castling_rook:
var rook_location = position_to_board_cell(move_tile.castling_rook.position)
# king
# move_tile.castling_rook actually an array (created by get_pieces() rather than an object)
var rook_location = move_tile.castling_rook[chess_enum["pos"]]
# need to take that pos and figure out which rook object refers to
var pos = position_to_board_cell(Vector2(rook_location[0] * board_cell, rook_location[1] * board_cell))
var rook = board[pos[0]][pos[1]]
# king side
if 7 == rook_location[0]:
move_tile.castling_rook.position = in_square(Vector2(5 * board_cell, rook_location[1] * board_cell))
rook.position = in_square(Vector2(5 * board_cell, rook_location[1] * board_cell))
board[5][rook_location[1]] = board[7][rook_location[1]]
board[7][rook_location[1]] = 0
# queen
# queen side
move_tile.castling_rook.position = in_square(Vector2(3 * board_cell, rook_location[1] * board_cell))
rook.position = in_square(Vector2(3 * board_cell, rook_location[1] * board_cell))
board[3][rook_location[1]] = board[0][rook_location[1]]
board[0][rook_location[1]] = 0
@ -512,7 +706,7 @@ func make_tiles(coords, pattern, go_range, cant_attack, curr_team,
'tile_is_en_passant': false,
'en_passant_pawn': null,
'castling_rook': null
}, create_tiles = true):
}, create_tiles = 1):
var x = coords[0]
var y = coords[1]
var pattern0 = pattern[0]
@ -529,18 +723,18 @@ func make_tiles(coords, pattern, go_range, cant_attack, curr_team,
if (x + a) <= BOARD_WIDTH and (y + b) <= BOARD_HEIGHT and (x + a) >= 0 and (y + b) >= 0 :
var check = board[x + a][y + b]
if ! check and ! dict.get("must_attack"):
if create_tiles:
if create_tiles == 1:
spawn_move_tile([x + a, y + b], dict.get("tile_is_en_passant"), dict.get("en_passant_pawn"), dict.get("castling_rook"))
made_tile.push_back([x + a, y + b])
elif dict.get("must_attack"): # pawn setting
if check and check.get_team() != curr_team:
if create_tiles:
if create_tiles == 1:
spawn_move_tile([x + a, y + b])
made_tile.push_back([x + a, y + b])
elif ! create_tiles:
elif create_tiles == 0:
made_tile.push_back([x + a, y + b])
elif ! cant_attack and check.get_team() != curr_team:
if create_tiles:
if create_tiles == 1:
spawn_move_tile([x + a, y + b], dict.get("tile_is_en_passant"), dict.get("en_passant_pawn"))
made_tile.push_back([x + a, y + b])
break # rules of chess say pieces cant go past another

View file

@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ mouse1={
"events": [ Object(InputEventMouseButton,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"alt":false,"shift":false,"control":false,"meta":false,"command":false,"button_mask":0,"position":Vector2( 0, 0 ),"global_position":Vector2( 0, 0 ),"factor":1.0,"button_index":1,"pressed":false,"doubleclick":false,"script":null)
"deadzone": 0.5,
"events": [ Object(InputEventMouseButton,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"alt":false,"shift":false,"control":false,"meta":false,"command":false,"button_mask":0,"position":Vector2( 0, 0 ),"global_position":Vector2( 0, 0 ),"factor":1.0,"button_index":2,"pressed":false,"doubleclick":false,"script":null)